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How to Change Your Rss Feed in Itunes

This post is for changing a podcast that's already published to iTunes. If you want to learn how to how to publish a podcast to iTunes for the first time then check out this post.

You've worked hard to grow your podcast in iTunes. You've got subscribers, positive ratings and great reviews. But now you need to change your podcast feed in iTunes. And you're worried that you might lose everything that you've built. The last thing you want to do is start over.

There are several reasons why you might want to change your podcast feed. For most people, it's because they've decided to change their podcast host. Maybe you're moving from Libsyn to SoundCloud, or vice versa.

Whatever your reason, changing your feed in iTunes is a lot easier than you might think it is.

How to Change Your Podcast Feed in iTunes

Step 1: Register Your New Feed with iTunes

The first step is to let iTunes know what your new feed URL is.

If You Are Moving TO Libyn

  • Go to the Destinations page and copy the Libsyn Classic Feed URL

Change your podcast feed in iTunes: Libsyn - Destinations page

If You Are Moving TO SoundCloud

  • Go to the Content Settings page and copy the RSS Feed URL

Change your podcast feed in iTunes: SoundCloud Content Settings A

Update iTunes Podcasts Connect

  • Login to iTunes Podcasts Connect and select your podcast.
  • Paste your new feed URL into the 'URL' field and click Save.

Change your podcast feed in iTunes: iTunes Podcasts Connect

  • Click Update to have your feed validated.
  • If required, fix any validation warnings/errors then click update again.

You should now see a 'Scheduled for Update' status in the Podcasts Connect dashboard. It will take around 24 hours for the change to appear in the iTunes Store.

Step 2: Migrate Your Existing Subscribers

The second step is to update your old feed so that it points (or redirects) to the new feed.

If You Are Moving FROM Libsyn

  • Go to the Destinations page
  • Select 'Libsyn Classic Feed' from the left-hand navigation (under the 'Feed' section)
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and expand the 'Advanced Options' section
  • Copy the text code snippet below and paste it into the 'Extra RSS Tags' field in Libsyn.
  • IMPORTANT: Replace the text in red with the actual URL of your new feed.

Change your podcast feed in iTunes: Libsyn Extra RSS Tags

  • Click 'Save'

iTunes should pick up this change in a few days, but allow up to 4 weeks before you cancel your Libsyn account.

If You Are Moving FROM SoundCloud

  • Go to the Content Settings page
  • Paste your new RSS Feed URL into the 'Subscriber Redirect' field:

Change your podcast feed in iTunes: SoundCloud Content Settings A 2

Since SoundCloud allows you to hold onto a free account after you cancel your paid plan, you can leave this redirect in place for as long as you like.

If You Are Moving FROM PodBean

  • Go to the New Feed URL page
  • Paste your new RSS Feed URL into the 'Subscriber Redirect' field
  • Click 'Save'

Change your podcast feed in iTunes: Podbean - New Feed URL

Since PodBean also allows you to hold onto a free account after you cancel your paid plan, you can leave this redirect in place for as long as you like.

If You Are Moving FROM SquareSpae

  • Go to your 'Blog Page Settings' and under the 'Syndication' tab, update the 'Changing Your Feed URL' field by entering the URL of your new Libsyn or Soundcloud feed.
  • It's recommended that you leave the SquareSpace site up and running with this new setting for 30 days, so iTunes has time to migrate your existing subscribers.

I hope this step by step guide made it easy for you to change your podcast feed in iTunes.

Have more questions or feedback? Post a comment below and let me know!


  • Libsyn Destinations page
  • SoundClound Content Settings page
  • PodBean New Feed URL page
  • iTunes Podcasts Connect


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